Saturday, April 21, 2012

Exposed, works by Ana Tzarev at Paris’s Cite Internationale Des Arts

LIZSAYS: This show reminded me of the first time I saw Vincent’s Starry Night  in the New York’s Museum of Modern Art.
I’d gazed at it countless times in art books, but standing in front of it, seeing the thickly swirled paint contoured into an impassioned night sky, I could feel every stroke. It was as if my eyes were causing the paint to move, as if the picture was happening before my eyes.
Ana Tzarev’s wildly psychedelic flowers are splayed on canvases almost as tall as I and some almost as wide as the room. Photos don’t get across the lively lusciousness of the paint. As soon as you enter the gallery, the smell of the oils seeps into your nose cluing you into the heads on experience of Exposed. 

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