Saturday, February 6, 2010

NavelGazing in the City of Lights

LIZ SAYS: Okay after my hissy fit, I have come back down to earth. We had to visit the apartment, known as the building site at the moment, today. The work is progressing beautifully. I actually felt like the plasterer was an artist, just watching him work and thinking how artists are never paid what they are worth. Everyone always benefits afterward. Any way, it was great to see what was happening, while trying to lay out the lights in imaginary space. It all seems too wonderful to believe. The amount of attention to detail and keeping the beauty from the past in tact, is very touching. The change from smokey cigarette sallow to white on the walls is reinvigorating. The smell was harshly chemical and I wanted to tell the workers not to take their health for granted, but in what language, and what can you ever say to a young person that means anything. So, thanks guys and bon weekend.
I got some great items on ebay, true to the deco period. Great deals over here, maybe because of the 'crise' or because they just don't think of that time as a great time to celebrate.
I could not be happier with the $199 ceiling lamp I got from Germany or the great heron sconce I got for less than a new lamp would cost. As far as I can tell, people here are suspicious of ebay, which works out great for me. Deco and Nouveau stuff is under valued, so its a great place to get a deal delivered to your house.

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