Saturday, July 23, 2011

ArtZuid in Amsterdam

LIZ SAYS: There is a part of Amsterdam that is not talked about much. It is lovely and it has a very distinctive style plus a long narrow parkland. Dick had read about an exhibit in Minervalaan, the long park, in South Amsterdam. This part of Amsterdam was a planned community with buildings built in the 30-40's in the Amsterdam School style.
The buildings have great features and look like what Art Deco and Jugenstil would have become if further realized. It is very orderly and sedate, but the creative spirit is alive, clearly.
The ArtZuid show was a show of monumental sculpture that went on for many blocks, the show was supposed to take 2 and a half hours to see. It is not often that one gets to see so much large sculpture by so many artists in the same place. Needless to say, it was fantastic!

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