LIZ SAYS: Dick so wanted to go to LeMans and I wanted to go with him, this time. I had avoided it for a year or two and I know how he loves it. To me, its zoom zoom. Like motorized gnats they loudly zoom past, farting, backfiring every time they pass a corner. Ah, but Dick is so in love. He can see what I can not. He sees a fascination and beauty in the colorful splats of automotive history that buh-zzzz-ed past us, rain or shine. When we arrived, it was raining, by the time we left it was raining again. In between, the sun shone, we ate food (freaky American hotdogs in French baguettes) from cardboard troughs and the cars did buzz past. We saw the seldom seen Nissan Delta Wing, a car that looked, as far as I could tell, like a stealth bomber land bound. Oh la la, it was a rare siting indeed. But, there were moments. Walking to the tram, I noticed the beauty of the birdsong filled green, when the buzz of the cars became less apparent.
I have to admit that the structure itself is impressive. We had to walk up and up and up to get to the level where the cars could be viewed. And, we had to walk down, down, down to the tram that would take us away to the tram and train.
But, in between, I knew that Dick was happy, watching the zoom zooms go by. Can’t say it meant much to me, but that is what love is, zoom zoom and whatever.
Welcome to LeMans!
The really nice tram that ran over sedum covered tracks
This guy brought his fishing pole.
Our first glimpse of zoomland. We had to walk to the other side of the Dunlop bridge.
Utterly incongruous! American hotdogs on a crunchy baguette with russian dressing served in a cardboard trough. Not bad but kinda sweet.
Now we are on the right side of the track!
We watched with 10,000 other people. Zoom, zoom!
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