Tuesday, March 3, 2009

First Full day on My Own

LIZ SAYS:Bonjour Sweeties!
Some good news!
The mailman comes to the apartment door! at about 9-10 a.m.
The FedEx man came at 10 and it had the wrong address on it, so he was running and talking to me in French. I couldn't understand a thing, so I said something like " I door, okay?" He understood and we looked for each other. It was all very dramatic. Then it was my day.
I arranged some of the stuff I'd brought, left here from before and mailed and listened to the only english station I could get, one of the hell on earth stations, the news.
The TV announcer just said that the assassination in Guinea Bissau exposes the dark side of African politics. They think it was a drug hit. The drug cartels have purchased ISLANDS off
Guinea Bissau and use them to ship coke into Europe. Can you believe that? Now they think there is going to be a ethnic war.
Uh, anyway, back to our life. I went directly across the street to the store that looks like it only sells wine and cheese. He has eggs and milk and lots of other things. So I never got to the grocery later. I woke up at what I thought was 8 but the clock was off and woke me up at 9.
I had a blister from the shoes I thought would be airport perfect, so I had to go to the Olive Oil Pharmacy below. They have more than olive oil based products, but you would never know it by looking in the shop.
There is a doctor a couple of doc's that speak english according to the olive oil pharmacy place. The woman there gave me their number. I asked her if she filled prescriptions, she said yes,but do you need a doctor to write them. So, she told me about 2 english speaking ones at 59, our apartment is 65. This is such a sweet neighborhood.
I bought some bread on the corner, the baguette was still hot. The woman before me was very chatty, but I found that if they are still talking and you just go to the counter, the woman will multi-task and wait on you whilst still chatting away to the other woman & talking to you.
So, I couldn't decide what to do next, take a shower or go out and get some tea at the store. I think a shower won.
The weather is medium jacket or heavy sweater, sunny.
I went to the grocery, it was thin but deep. It seems tiny form the outside.
I bought some apples but didn't weigh them and almost started an international incident.
I don't think the heat is on in the apartment, it is perfect to just a touch chilly, so I am going to leave it the way it is.
I'm sleeping on the sofa til Dick gets here.
I like sleeping on the sofa. I think I would oversleep in the bedroom at the moment.
The old washer was moved out and I am waiting on the new one that will wash and dry! I noticed a laundromat right down stairs. So, if I really get desperate... .
Talked to Dick for about an hour, said Hi to Buster. Tired, so tired.
Well, night night all. Its 11:30 here.
Love you, darlings

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