LIZ SAYS:Our downstairs neighbor asked us urgently `' Did you see Woody?". We were wondering why everyone was out with cameras forming a huge crow by the local cornershop, with the grouchy young counter guy.
So, they are filming a Woody Allen movie here and Carla Bruni, the first lady flubbed her lines 32 times. Oh, and she's a singer, too ;-}. They were just down the street at a local 'alimentation' which is some what like a PDQ in the US, without all the glitz and glamour of slushy machines and rotating hot dogs and a microwave. Anyway, they were making this cornershop look slightly less grubby and someone was acting out buying a baguette there. Of course, one buys baguettes at the boulangerie (bakery) but what the hey, It worked for the shot. Now, if only Carla would!
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