Saturday, August 27, 2011

Nils Udo Show

LIZ SAYS: The second poster is from a show at the Postal Musee of works by Nils Udo. I kept seeing these posters all over. It was a photo of lava with the flower called red hot pokers in the crevice. It's an intriguing picture, that brings you back to it, trying to figure how did he do that, but it also is a lovely variation of colors,so from far away, it's easy to be drawn to it. The show was mostly photos of sculpted landscapes, but, the photo, the landscape and the concept of the whole thing were all presented as equal parts. The photos were not souvenirs of the events, they were as important as the events. And, they were superb. The postal museum is as unimpressive on the outside as a place can get, but indoors it seems massive. The show was set up beautifully,with the exception of the gorgeous giant photos in heroin with a film of several earth movers, a crane an many people with hard hats building his Birds Nest out of trees.

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