Saturday, August 27, 2011

Two Posters and the Trocadero

LIZ SAYS: We just got two great posters I have wanted ever since I first saw them. They were both for current shows, so I knew they would not cost much. The first poster was from the Maritime Musee's effort to raise money for a new FRANCE ocean liner. I just like the idea, not that you would ever catch me dead on a cruise, a transatlantic ocean liner is another thing. Potatoes, paTAtoes. That took us to the Trocadero, which was a pretty normal day. Two protest groups clashing over who could out blast each other with their bull horns. Not that they were on opposite sides, they were just in the same space. Then, came the roller skating flash mobs with their attendant police convoy and yellow shirted safety officials. The mostly African trinket sellers, with arms full of Eiffel Towers on big metal rings tinkling, had fled the Trocadero because there was a police van in sight. Which made for a pretty tight gauntlet for the customers heading to the rather pricey surrounding restaurants to glide through. We did get into the museum but Dick had been recently, so we defaulted to the action on the Trocadero.

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